Donald Trump Says Ebola Doctors ‘Must Suffer The Consequences’

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Donald Trump wants Americans infected with ebola to be kept out of their own country.

In a series of tweets posted over the weekend, Trump said doctors who treat ebola patients “are great,” but shouldn’t be allowed to seek treatment back home if they get sick.

“Treat them, at the highest level, over there,” Trump tweeted, adding:

But The Donald didn’t stop there. He said the U.S. must “stop all flights from EBOLA infected countries or the plague will start and spread inside our ‘borders.'”

Dr. Kent Brantly, the American doctor stricken with ebola in Africa, returned to the U.S. on Saturday, and is said to be improving as he receives treatment at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital.

His assistant, missionary Nancy Writebol, also contracted the disease while working with patients suffering from ebola. She’s expected to be flown to the U.S. later this week.

Both were in Liberia, working for Samaritan’s Purse, an evangelical Christian relief organization.

Earlier, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention appealed for calm in the wake of fears about Americans sickened by ebola coming to the states.

“I hope that our understandable fear of the unfamiliar does not trump our compassion when ill Americans return to the U.S. for care,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, according to The Associated Press.

However, Trump isn’t the only one angry over the decision. Frieden also told AP that his office had received phone calls and “nasty emails.”


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