YouTube Now Trumps Hollywood In Celebrityhood

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“Angelina Jo-WHICH? Samuel L. Jack-WHO? Benicio del-YOU’RE-GOING-TO-NEED-TO-BE-MORE-SPECIFIC? That’s what America’s teens are saying right now about our precious, precious adult human movie stars!!!!!!!

Kids these days, it seems, are hoarding all of their shits and giving them exclusively to an entirely new breed of celebrity: the YouTube star. I’ve written before about my bewilderment at having to explain to my tweenage step-kids who some of the most famous people in the world are—even people who I think of as squarely “after my time,” like Amanda Bynes and Hilary Duff. What do you MEAN “who’s Ashlee Simpson”!?!?!?”

A new survey commissioned by Variety found that “the five most influential figures among Americans ages 13-18 are all YouTube faves, eclipsing mainstream celebs including Jennifer Lawrence and Seth Rogen.” The top five!!! That is fucking bananas. That sound you hear is one million marketing executives leaving marketing-executive-shaped holes in their office walls.*

Cenk Uygur ( and Ana Kasparian ( discuss.

*Read more here from

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