Destroying Gaza Isn’t Netanyahu’s Goal, It’s Far Worse

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson2 Comments


“Israel withdrew ground forces from the Gaza Strip on Tuesday and started a 72-hour ceasefire with Hamas mediated by Egypt as a first step towards negotiations on a more enduring end to the month-old war.

Minutes before the truce began at 8 a.m. (0500 GMT), Hamas launched a salvo of rockets, calling them revenge for Israel’s “massacres”. Israel’s anti-missile system shot down one rocket over Jerusalem, police said. Another hit a house in a town near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. There were no casualties.

Israeli armour and infantry left Gaza ahead of the truce, with a military spokesman saying their main goal of destroying cross-border infiltration tunnels dug by Islamist militants had been completed. “Mission accomplished,” the military tweeted.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Nidal Al-Mughrabi, Lin Noueihed and Dan Williams / Reuters:


  1. Wow, I really used to respect Cenk Uygur and TYT because I thought that they were more fair in their representation of facts than mainstream media. This video however, really had the feel of Fox news or some Atheist propoganda machine. A lot of the criticism that he dished out was attacking Islam as a faith rather than ISIS. This is ridiculous because the vast majority of Muslim’s condemn ISIS and believe that what they are doing, especially to minorities, is against the teachings of Islam and it’s prophet. By accusing Islam and it’s prophet with “Fox News” talking points, I really felt like he lost all credibility, especially since his points were not factual and were meant to construe the legacy that ISIS claims to follow as the flaw that makes them who they are. Ironically, it has been the remnants of the true legacy of Islam that has allowed for such religious diversity to exist in the ME for hundreds of years. Very disappointing because the hypocrisy and error of ISIS methodology is so apparent that sinking to the level that Cenk Uygur did leads his educated viewers to believe that either he does not know much about ISIS or that he simply took the opportunity to attack a faith that he himself does not favor when they opportunity arose.

    1. This comment wasn’t supposed to be posted here. I was referring to a separate piece and am not quite sure how this happened.

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