Satanists Use Hobby Lobby Decision Against Pro-Life Propaganda

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“The Satanic Temple sees your Hobby Lobby ruling allowing corporations to opt out of providing certain forms of birth control because they contravene religious beliefs. And it wants in.

In a press release Monday, the New York-based organization said it planned to use the recent Supreme Court decision to argue that its members should be allowed to opt out of so-called informed-consent laws, which require doctors to read state-mandated material to women seeking an abortion — much of it, according to critics, pro-life propaganda.

The Hobby Lobby decision applied specifically to health care plans provided by closely-held corporations, not health procedures obtained independently by members of a religion. But the Temple believes that by allowing corporations to define (and thus not cover) contraceptives as abortifacients, the Supreme Court placed religious exemptions above scientific definitions. And what’s good for contraceptives, the Temple argues, should be good for anti-abortion laws.” * break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from


  1. uh guys, Satan, Lucifer, was an angel in the christian religion. so it is a christian religion. just on another team in the overall scheme of things.

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