Michele Bachmann: Gays Will “Freely Prey On Little Children Sexually”

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Michele Bachmann—former presidential candidate, soon-to-be-ex-congresswoman, corn-dog enthusiast—wants to make sure you know what’s at stake in the gay-rights debate: tyranny, deviancy, and most of all, lots of child rape.

That was all in the space of about two minutes of her appearance on Ohio Christian University’s Faith & Liberty radio show late last week. Right Wing Watch explains:

The Minnesota Republican warned that the gay community will “abolish age of consent laws, which means we will do away with statutory rape laws so that adults will be able to freely prey on little children sexually. That’s the deviance that we’re seeing embraced in our culture today.”

She also predicted that gay rights advocates will legalize polygamy and enact “hate speech laws across the United States” in order to bring about “the rise of tyranny.”


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Story: http://gawker.com/bachmann-gays-will-freely-prey-on-little-children-sex-1612054962


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