Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Virginia’s Gay Marriage Ban

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today 2-1 that Virginia’s gay marriage ban is unconstitutional. Judge Paul Niemeyer, a Republican appointee, dissented.

Gay couples won’t immediately be able to get married in Virginia — Chris Geidner at Buzzfeed explains that the judgment won’t take effect until a mandate is issued, which will occur a week after the time to file for a rehearing expires.

In his decision, Judge Henry Floyd wrote,

We recognize that same-sex marriage makes some people deeply uncomfortable. However, inertia and apprehension are not legitimate bases for denying same-sex couples due process and equal protection of the laws.


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Story: http://gawker.com/federal-appeals-court-strikes-down-virginias-gay-marria-1612122552


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