‘Creepy’ Porcelain Dolls Placed In Front Of California Homes

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

They sent a creepy feeling through several Southern California families, but authorities say the person who left porcelain dolls on doorsteps didn’t mean any harm.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department said Thursday that someone had left the dolls wearing nightgowns and lace dresses at as many as eight homes in a San Clemente neighborhood this week.

The families were worried because they felt each doll resembled a young girl who lived in the house, setting off an investigation and call for public help in finding who had placed them.

But later Thursday the sheriff’s department said it found the person responsible and the intent had been goodwill. No further details were released.

Sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Hallock told City News Service the dolls and their apparent resemblance to real girls left families feeling “creepy.”


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Story: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/25/california-dolls_n_5620208.html?utm_hp_ref=weird-news


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