Man Sets World Record With Most Homer Simpson Tattoos

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

To paraphrase Homer Simpson: If you want to remember something, get a tattoo.

Lee Weir probably doesn’t need any more reminders of how awesome he is. The 27-year-old New Zealand man has set a Guinness World Record for “most tattoos of the same cartoon character tattooed on the body” with his Homer Simpson sleeve.

According to Guinness World Records:

Lee has 41 tattoos of Homer in total, each representing Bart’s dad in various states, including Homer as a jack-in-the box, the Grim Reaper, in an elephant suit, as the Hulk, and even Homer as a donut.

The UK’s Daily Mirror noted that Weir decided to get the tattoos in part because his father, who he described as a “real-life Ned Flanders” (Homer’s annoyingly nice neighbor on the long-running animated series), forbade him to watch the show as a kid.

Weir told Guinness that he paid for the tattoos with money he saved abstaining from booze for a year.


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