Study Explains Why College Graduates Would Support The Tea Party

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“College-educated supporters of the tea party might change their political tune if they mingled more with those less educated than themselves.

“Researchers from the University of Notre Dame said college graduates are more likely to support tea party ideas if they live in counties characterized by high levels of residential segregation based on education level. The researchers found the correlation between tea party support and educational segregation to be uniquely strong compared to factors like racial segregation and class segregation.

“Rory McVeigh, a University of Notre Dame political sociologist and author of the study, told The Huffington Post that he was interested in discovering what communities might be particularly hospitable to tea party principles and why. Prior to the study, he posited that the tea party ideology, which advocates for limited government and low government spending, might resonate more among people who don’t interact much with low-income individuals who may benefit from government programs. As it turns out, McVeigh was on to something.” *

In this clip The Young Turks’ Ana Kasparian ( and John Iadarola ( break down the story.

* For more, read the Huffington Post article here:

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