Congressional Staffer Brings Gun Into Congress

In Fowler Show on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments

Rep. Tom Marino’s (R-PA) press secretary was arrested on Friday for bringing a gun into the U.S. Capitol building. Ryan Shucard, press secretary for the congressman, allegedly brought a 9mm handgun and magazine into one of the House office buildings, reports Roll Call, but was promptly stopped by Capitol Police and detained. He is being charged with carrying a pistol without a license, a felony.

Shucard was placed on unpaid leave that “will last until we know more about the situation,” Marino’s chief of staff, Bill Tighe, told Roll Call. Another official tells the Washington Post that Shucard brought the gun by accident, not with intention. Still, it is not legal anywhere in the District of Columbia — Congress or otherwise — to carry a pistol without a license.

The arrest comes just two days after another member of Congress, however, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) is pushing to change gun laws in the District by denying any appropriations to city government to enforce its own gun laws. Because DC is only a semi-autonomous district and not a state, its laws are in the hands of members of Congress from other districts, like Massie, who sometimes seek to use it as a political playground.


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