“Liberals have taken over the word “conservative” and turned it into a pejorative, says comedian and radio host Adam Carolla.
In the latest episode of The Adam & Dr. Drew Show, Carolla fielded a caller’s question about how, in the past year, it seems as though the actor has had much more to say about politics than in years past.
“It’s not a political stance; it’s a life stance,” Carolla said. “I understand how life works. You know why? I’ve done it.” He added: “I know that the path to success is a bunch of hard work and that is about it. And we can all get to that or we can call me whatever you want to call me.””* The Young Turks host Ana Kasparian breaks it down.
*Read more here from Andrew Kirell / Mediaite:
Listen, nothing Adam said isn’t true. But to say that this is the root of the problems we face is not true. Opportunities for the poor have been dwindling steadily since I started working in 1983. Living in Detroit for over 40 years, I started out working on the production line at a supplier factory. When that job got sent overseas, I used the NAFTA program, and their recommendations, and got a power engineering degree. Cool. Went to work for Detroit Public Schools as a building engineer, loved it, but got swept out when they privatized it, cutting wages in half. OK. Then I went to work on ZUG Island shoveling coal for coke production, did that as long as I could stand it, and finally found work back in production at a small shop making aerospace parts, until Rolls Royce offshored that work. Luckily for me, a friend told me about a gage shop that was hiring, and I was able to go there, where I got enough experience to eventually get hired by an automaker as a gage tech, and I’ve landed on my feet for now. My point is if I were 10 yrs younger I would have missed all of these opportunities. The ever shrinking supply of decent jobs is a real problem, and college is more and more expensive, Adam was a carpenter, surely he knows that apprenticeships are very scarce, so if you come from poor, the odds of getting out are getting worse every year. I’m not yet 50, but the difference in opportunity from 30 years ago to now is staggering. I think people on both ends of the spectrum underestimate the will of the poor to step up, but they want opportunities that, because of CONSERVATIVE policies, just aren’t there anymore.
Way to turn everything he is saying into the complete opposite. Adam doesn’t claim to be republican, if you actually listen to his podcast or even just this single one he is ACTUALLY always saying people keep trying to label him a republican.
Adam’s entire message is take care of yourself and your family. You know what a better method of birth control is if you can’t afford it? Quit fucking. Why is it such a hard concept to accept that if YOU have children that YOU should have to take care of them. Make sure that YOUR children that YOU had are YOUR responsibility and not everyone else’s.
He is not saying he doesn’t say he doesn’t want kids to eat, he says feed your own damn kids instead of relying on other people to do it for you.
I’ve only been on this site once and watched one video but I can only imagine the rest of it is the same. Your agenda is flawed if anyone with half a brain would realize it if they spent the 9 minutes and 50 seconds that I have listening to it.
Let’s recap:
Adam doesn’t claim to be a republican. If you actually listened you would realize that.
His message isn’t anti-kids or anti-feed or even anti-poor people (believe it or not he grew up dirt poor). His message is take care of yourself and your family. Take responsibility for your own actions.
I don’t give a shit that you rant on republicans, rant on whomever you like. At least get your message correct because until then you are no better that the crap driven news channel like Fox News and CNN who spew garbage to the people who can’t look at facts and form their own opinions.
Dear Adam Corolla, this is my official fuck you letter. I may be a lot of things, but lazy is not one of them. I am a nationally and state certified EMT. I have all my requirements for employment, yet I am a food stamp recipient. Every time a job opens up around here, of course I persue. I have applied for eight jobs, had three interviews, and have still not been hired. Aside from that i am a full time college student who also happens to be an honor student. I even sacrifice my summers to take classes. It is harder than you think to get ahead. Im tired of pricks like you treating us, the underdogs, like trash. Everytime I walk in the food stamp office, the employees treat me and everyone there like shit. Whenever I pull that card out in public, people roll their eyes at me. If anything, I am better than you just due to the fact that I power through my struggles and come out unphased. Are you even still famous? I feel like your career ended after the man show. Maybe I just havent payed much attention to you beacause jimmy kimmel stole your spotlight. Thank you to TYT, I love your show. Go fuck yourself Adam.
In a world where Liberals call them selves Progressive instead of Liberal.