TYT Sports – July 10, 2014

In TYT Sports - Podcast Audio by Elderrune0 Comments

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The LeBron James Show
LeBron is most likely going to announce his decision immediately after we shoot this, but to the mans credit, he is a mastermind with the media. Melo is seems to be staying in New York (early reports state)>>>http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/knicks/post/_/id/57822/everything-up-in-the-air-for-melo-knicks
Does it even make sense for LeBron to stay in Miami? Does Miami still contend with a beaten up Dwayne Wade? In or Out on the McRoberts and Granger signings? If LeBron leaves, Bosh will most certainly go to Houston and the empire of Miami will have fallen. Looking back on their 4 years with The Big 3, would you consider the Heat to have been success or a slight failure?

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