Which Countries Smoke The Most Weed?

In Secular Talk on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


These days it seems like everyone in the world smokes weed, am I right? The nation of Uruguay flat-out legalized the herb (and plans to give medical pot to its prisoners), Colorado is making millions in marijuana sales taxes, Washingtonians are packing state-legal bowls right and left…

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Clip from the Thursday, July 3rd 2014 edition of The Kyle Kulinski Show, which airs live on Blog Talk Radio and Secular Talk Radio monday – friday 4-6pm Eastern.

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  1. Please sign this and share it. This is America, they already know who and where you are. So what. Sign it. Please, for the sake of humanity, sign it. Even, and ESPECIALLY, if you do not smoke we need your support. Leaving it on schedule 1 means that the federal govt. equates marijuana with PCP, cocaine, and heroin. It is not even close and you know it. Removing it promotes being fiscally conservative on a national level, unless you like paying for people to be in prison when they shouldn’t be.


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