TYT Sports – June 05, 2014

In TYT Sports - Podcast Audio by Elderrune1 Comment

Heartwarming Powerade Commercial

>>Video prepped for shoot tomorrow
Commercial aired at the Kicking + Screening Festival in New York City almost two months ago, so the video is a bit outdated, but not bad timing to revisit since the World Cup is a week away. Kids name is Nico Calabria, climbed Mt. Kilamanjaro when he was 13 and plans on participating in the 2014 Amputee World Cup. Video shows his athleticism, which is nothing short of amazing. He is also far and away better than me at soccer, and probably basketball too.
Paralyzed Teen To Kickoff 2014 World Cup
>>Cutting/shortening this video for shoot tomorrowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBl7uTHyXJE
Amazing how far technology has come that a paralyzed teen can walk. An exoskeleton as part of the “Walk Again Project”, developed by a whole bunch of colleges and universities:

“The Walk Again Project is a nonprofit, international collaboration among the Duke University Center for Neuroengineering, the Technical University of Munich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience of Natal in Brazil, The University of California, Davis, The University of Kentucky, and Regis Kopper of The Duke immersive Virtual Environment”

Colorado State University developed and built the helmet: 
“The CSU researchers, led by David Prawel, built the helmet while other teams built the exoskeleton and the neuro interface for the robot. They’re using a 3D printer to extrude a foam structure that is soft and squishy and that will be able to keep the electrodes in place while in motion. The kicker will also train in a VR environment to get used to walking with their new nervous system”.
– TechCrunch
Player Trips, Falls and Still Scores Penalty Kick
>>Video prepped for shoot tomorrow
Maldives striker, Ashad Ali Adubarey, scored this goal in a unique fashion. This goal also clinched the Maldives victory over Afghanistan. Neither of these teams are playing in the World Cup. There is skepticism that Adubarey tripped himself to throw off the goalie, either way, the face plant was great. Worse that he tripped and face planted or that the goalie allowed the game winning goal?
World Cup Group E & F Preview
Wiffleball Nutshot
>>Video prepped for shoot tomorrow
Nut shots will always be funny, as long as none of us are the victim. I keep thinking how much could a wiffleball hurt when lined into your nuts, but, batter got all of that pitch and the ump was down for a solid amount of time. This is all part of the Potomac Wiffleball League, an organized wiffleball league with standings, league leaders, uniforms and yes, umpires.


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