Great News For Medical Marijuana Growers

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson0 Comments


“Reflecting growing national acceptance of cannabis, a bipartisan coalition of House members voted early Friday to restrict the Drug Enforcement Administration from using funds to go after medical marijuana operations that are legal under state laws.

An appropriations amendment offered by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) prohibiting the DEA from spending funds to arrest state-licensed medical marijuana patients and providers passed 219-189. The Senate will likely consider its own appropriations bill for the DEA, and the House amendment would have to survive a joint conference before it could go into effect.

Rohrabacher said on the House floor that the amendment “should be a no-brainer” for conservatives who support states’ rights and argued passionately against allowing the federal government to interfere with a doctor-patient relationship.”* The Young Turks hosts Ana Kasparian and Dave Rubin (The Rubin Report) break it down.

*Read more here from Ryan J. Reilly & Matt Ferner / The Huffington Post:

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