TYT May 15, 2014 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by sobeyar43 Comments

Ana,John,and Ben hosting. The New York Times fires Jill Abramson. She was the executive editor and the first woman who ran the NYT. Equal pay to that of her male predecessor is in question upon Abramson’s exit. Harry Reid is pursuing trying to get “money out of politics” and thwarting the Koch brothers for attempting a “hostile takeover of American democracy.” Net Neutrality update: The FCC voted today 3-2 to allow the advancement of a plan to allow internet providers to pay more for getting faster speed. Marco Rubio is drinking the Kool Aid as he spoke at the National Press Club in matters of climate change denial. Rubio also appeared on Sean Hannity’s radio show to further his beliefs on climate change, along with his view on hypocrisy from libs and scientific consensus on human life. Bill O’Reilly looks into the meaning of “white privilege” and wonders if his trip to Hawaii, his past economic circumstances and achievements exempts himself from “white privilege”. Stuart Varney also chimes in on white privilege saying it only existed in the past. It’s Pat Robertson vs. Ken Ham in a battle royale over the Earth’s formation with Pat surprisingly mentioning carbon dating and that young earth creationism dumb.

Hour 1 Source Articles
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Reports: New York Times Editor Jill Abramson Was Fired Following Pay Complaints

New York Times Keeps Changing Story About Jill Abramson’s Salary

FCC votes for Internet “fast lanes” but could change its mind later

Marco Rubio Attempts To Link Climate Change To Abortion

Bill O’Reilly Claims He’s ‘Exempt’ From White Privilege Because He Was Kind Of Poor


  1. Sorry abut the typo on Johnny Pie’s quote it should be “a little bit more than others…” I should’ve check it before posting it. I blame the new web site ;-)

  2. Thank you for mentioning the “camera sponsors”–it is extremely important to keep your fund raising promises in order to maintain your credibility–and it would be nice to hear Cenk acknowledge the camera sponsors instead of others doing this for him (although it Is always good to do the mention anyway).

    MEANWHILE, Johnny Pie said something about camera donors contributing “a little be more than others” ARE YOU KIDDING–it was a huge contribution! The camera sponsors really made large contributions (over all I contributed over $6,000 Johnny Pie–and since it is not tax deductible this is major for me!) So Johnny Pie DON’T BELITTLE the donations made by your camera sponsors! You and I have advanced college degrees and know that words matter! P.S. still love you but watch the condescension seeping through on air, especially if you want more contributions!

  3. Cenk goes on vacation the day before the web site gets an upgrade.

    What could possible go wrong?? #whatthehell

  4. I don’t know if it’s just that Googel Chrome or my machine doesn’t recognize the font you all have chosen or if this was intended but….for regular text, it’s fine. For titles and such? Bad choice. I’m fine with change, this was not a great one.

    The last title font looked much more professional. I’ll move to Cali and revamp the site if ya’ll hire me :D

  5. Good timing, I guess we can tell Cenk is the boss. He leaves on vacation on the same day that the site undergoes an upgrade.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Here’s a stupid suggestion … designate a staff member to be responsible for the upload and a different person to verify that it works.

    1. I tweeted TYT’s CTO @Mark_Register to get on it. More mentions directed towards Mark the more assured we can be that the technological issues the website is having will be addressed.

  6. I thought Cenk said he was going to have exciting guest hosts. Jimmy Dore at a minimum. I’m unsubscribing for 3 weeks.

    1. 2 and a half weeks of guests hosts. You’ve seen 2 days and you think you’ve seen it all? Haha…. he promised surprises, they will happen.

  7. If people don’t understand “white privilege” just tell them to watch the experiment where a white guy tries to steal a bike and a black guy tries to unlock his bike, the reactions are completely different, and it exemplifies how a white person can benefit from stereotypical racism aka “white privilege”

  8. if the comments number blows up, they will see it and fix it. or someone needs to email them quickly

  9. the only way they know if something has gone wrong or not is if the comments section is blowing up. you think they come here to check that it was even working? lmfao lol.

    so ppl, make it blow up.

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