This Student Didn’t Get Into College Because Of God, And Now He’s Suing

In Think Tank on YouTube by Hlarson3 Comments


Brandon Jenkins is suing the Community College of Baltimore County, saying the college denied his acceptance because of his religious views. Now the American Center for Law and Justice is representing Jenkins in a lawsuit against CCBC. Tweet:

Jenkins says God is the most important thing in his life. Should this stop him from getting into college? Is this a valid lawsuit, or does Jenkins’s low GPA and 10 year criminal record have more to do with him not getting into college than his religious beliefs? Let us know in the comments!

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Getting rejected from college because of your religious beliefs could be a pretty serious violation of the Constitution. To stay up to date on college, admissions, religious freedom, and more news like this, watch TYT University every day with John Iadarola! Part of The Young Turks Network.


  1. If you went to a job interview an made it clear your religion is first they knew it he said god they knew a heard religion . tbh they knew religion . an no one can risk the lawsuit when some religious nut job does something horrible in jesus or gods or the bibles name while on the clock .

  2. I’m not for religious discrimination, but isn’t it ironic that religious people want to be able to discriminate against others and don’t want to be held to the same standard in areas of science education. I don’t know what his positions on science are, but if he alluded to things like creationism or whatnot, the school was definitely in the right not to allow him access to the medical field.

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