‘Weaponized AIDS’ Is The Start But The Finish Is Even Scarier

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“A newly apportioned state Republican representative in Wyoming is standing by claims he made at the height of the AIDS panic in a book entitled The Death Sentence of AIDS: Vital Information For You and Your Family’s Health and Safety.

Among the more outlandish claims in the book, which was self-published by Rep. Troy Mader (R-Gillette) in 1984, are that “[h]omosexuals…purposely infected women to pass AIDS infection into the straight population,” and that “[m]any homosexuals demand the right to have sexual acts with children of any age, including infants.”

In an interview with The Star-Tribune, Rep. Mader said that while some of the research in the book was “a little outdated,” that’s only because AIDS was still poorly understood by the medical community at the time.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Scott Kaufman / Raw Story:

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