This Is Why We NEED Independent Media

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments



Read Zaid Jilani’s blog here:

“Zaid Jilani used to work for the Center for American Progress and wrote for its outlet blog ThinkProgress for a while, and in a post on his Tumblr page this week, he revealed that the White House started calling them to complain when they started being really critical of President Obama’s policy on Afghanistan. Jilani said he was compelled to speak out after the news about RT this week and thinking about how it’s not just the Kremlin-backed network where there’s pressure to keep quiet about criticizing the foreign policy of the guys at the top.”

Read more from Josh Feldman at Mediaite:

Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks discusses this story and why it’s yet another piece of evidence proving why independent media is so important. Does this news surprise you? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

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