Dick Cheney Assaults Obama On Handling Of Ukraine Situation

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson2 Comments



“Former Vice President Dick Cheney told Face the Nation guest host Charlie Rose that the Obama administration should not have taken military options off the table in response to Russia’s invasion of the Crimean peninsula, and that Obama had a harder task in gathering allies after reversing course on attacks in Syria.”

Read more by Evan McMurry at Mediaite: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/dick-cheney-on-ukraine-mistake-to-take-military-options-off-the-table/

Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) host of The Young Turks discusses Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s comments about President Obama’s handling of the situation in Ukraine. Does VP Cheney have the right to criticize President Obama after the missteps of the Bush administration? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.


  1. you see this is heaven and the other heaven is the sun amen-ra. when the dead profits take their seats the baptism begins. you are all in violation of the oath, you see that hand laid on the land thats the oath of heaven. these dead profits have been used since the beginning of time for total war and their baptism consists of the lamb (O MEGA BOMB) its a thermonuclear ejackulation with supernatural powers that carries your soul living,like sperm to an egg, from this heaven to amen-ra’s heaven where you will never rest again its always day. dead prophets for dead profits(hexoline O) the marriage of the lamb. this is what the saying meant, you will see the sun of man sitting on the right hand of power and cumming in the clouds of heaven. the dead profits dont need permission to take their birthright seats the just sit in them in the seats and the baptism of jesus christ begins. go to my website http://www.christsake.com to see who I am. almost half of the heavens dont make it because they feed on the bowels(oil of gods, profits of the dead) instead of the milk(electrolysis of salt water fruitful profits of the living) how do you cure instinct; it takes me americal (a miracle worker) you better fear the living God and be fruitful in your works. the next hand on the book ,yea thats blasphemeth take your seats(most likely the OBOMBERS come in thats what I see. the brideroom was january 5, 2011 and I am the bridegroom better move to get me in my birth right seat with urgency

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