Ana joins Cenk for SCS. A man was harassed and arrested by New York police after they stopped and asked for his proof of subway fare. After he obliged and showed his pass and identification, they continued to proceed with roughing him up and arresting him. Hipsters in Brooklyn are paying thousands of dollars for hair replacement surgery to give them a thicker, fuller beard. PornMD is a new site that reveals the latest porn search topics from consumers in real time. Cenk and Ana read what’s currently scrolling. The Gates Foundation is willing to fund “the next great condom” and one prototype is the e-condom, which comes with electrodes that would wrap around the penis for new kinds of stimulation. Some police officials in a small town in California have been arrested for towing specific cars from poorer, Latino citizens that were sent through an organized scam that resold them to friends of the criminal officers. A Florida woman has been arrested after calling 911 multiple times to coax the responding officers into having sex with her. A judge in Pennsylvania was arrested for his Cash for Kids scheme, where he funneled kids into the criminal system for millions of dollars from the private prison system.
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