TYT 1.15.14 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by omegacat0 Comments

Cenk hosting today.  Dr. Ablow spoke on Fox News about the shooting and killing at a movie theatre over a texting incident.  He blamed “Data Rage,” similar to Road Rage for the killing, not the use of guns in a theatre.  Robert Gates, former Sec of Defense continues to interview for his book tour and gave his opinions about Sen Harry Reid and Edward Snowden.  He called Reid disgraceful for saying that the Iraq War was lost while we were still over there in large numbers.  He also called Snowden a traitor.  Snowden has revealed that the NSA has technology to tap into computers that some of our enemies use to spy on us and steal our information.  Cenk isn’t sure that Snowden should’ve revealed this information, since it isn’t targeting Americans, and it could hinder our intelligence for national security purposes.

Israel stirs up beef with SoS John Kerry. Israel’s Defense Minister does not believe that Kerry is competent in Israeli-Palestinian issues. Jay Carney strikes back in defense of Kerry. The US expects the PM of Israel to resolve this matter. Wisconsin Republican lawmakers are floating a bill that allows for a 7-day work week, following union crushing efforts by Scott Walker. Cat fight between Bill O’Reilly and Mary Katherine Ham continues, with Ham coming back with guns blazing after O’Reilly was rude to her on a segment about the legalization of marijuana. Freedom Industries, the company that leaked toxic chemicals in West Virginia, has been found to be connected to Koch Industries. Also the founder of Freedom Industries happened to be a cocaine dealer in the past.

Clip of Cenk arguing with GOProud member on MSNBC. The founder of the organization recently left, stating he is no longer a republican. He cannot bring himself to carry the republican label any longer, and does not agree with the direction they are heading. He says this is because of the parties tolerance of bigotry. Brian Schweitzer unveils information that shows that Obama and his administration actively fought against a single payer option of healthcare during his reelection campaign. Obama actually asked Schweitzer to step away because his voice was not helping.


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