TYT 1.7.14 Hour 2

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Ana joins Cenk for SCS.  Dennis Rodman participated in a very uncomfortable interview from N. Korea where he nearly lost his mind when asked about Kenneth Bae’s capture.  Michael Bay embarrassed himself at a Samsung conference when his teleprompter broke, causing him to run offstage.  The former editor of Cosmopolitan magazine has come forward with stories of seemingly reverse photoshopping to make sickly, boney models look healthy while still super skinny.  Cenk feels redemption after the heat he received for saying similar things that this editor said while criticizing super skinny models and the industry that calls for it.

The Satanist group based in NYC has applied to have a statue of Satan put in the town square in Oklahoma to oppose the 10 Commandments statue already there.  One Oklahoma representative talked about how the state is tolerant of other people’s beliefs, but in Oklahoma, its just not going to fly.  NC police shot and killed a schizophrenic 18 year old kid that was fighting with and threatening his parents.  After being subdued by other police, one last officer came in, tazed him, and shot him.  The Center for Reproductive Rights is suing Texas for the lack of abortion clinics.  One judge on the panel deciding the case didn’t see how the nearest clinic being 150 miles away is a problem as long as the woman drives really fast.  Candace Cameron from Full House has written a book about her marriage to an NHL player and how she’s submissive in her marriage, and why women should be.  A mother of a 12 year old girl bully forced her to hold up a sign about her cyber bullying to shame her on the internet.  The mother received some grief for this move.

Look for TYT Announcements from Ambassador Jeni here: http://bit.ly/TYTForum


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