Do You Watch Porn? You Wouldn’t If You Knew This

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson3 Comments


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“Thousands of Germans are reported to have been sent letters asking them to pay a fee for porn they are alleged to have streamed illegally online.

Law firm Urmann (U+C) is acting on behalf of Swiss copyright protection firm the Archive, and is asking for one-off payments of 250 euros (£210).

It confirmed to the BBC that the letters have been sent but would not say how many.

A growing number of affected people are claiming to be wrongly accused.”* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from BBC News:

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  1. Simple solution is to write REFUSED on the bill and send it back to them. Better yet, send them a bill for $1000/hr to read their bill.

  2. Im from germany and the first thing is that U+C asked the court to get access of all the redtube-users with ip, name, adresses etc.. but in their application they intentionally constituted redtube as a file-sharing site and not as a streaming site. so the court allowed it and gave them the access of all informations from redtube-users without knowing that its not even a file-sharing-site. however, the other point is.. that there still isnt a concrete law in germany about streaming. some lawyers defend it with the fact that when you “stream” something you temporary download it like its in your temp folder or cache so you share it in that time. but others says its not the same as real file-sharing but like i said.. there is not a concrete law about that yet. so many “evil” lawyers try to get money out of that business now. but cause of the way how they got the acess of the information and other things which were unconstitutional they got charged themself now. its not clear yet if they get away with this but many other lawyers say that they have to fear many consequences now. and another fun fact is.. like you said, they send letters to more than 100.000 people.. but after that few days later, someone seemed to hacked their pcs and send all users (including users who didnt get a real letter) fake emails with the same asking to pay a fee.. but way more than 250euros (3000-5000euros) and with funny unrealistic dates in the future like ” you streamed this movie on 00.02.2014 ” U+C denied that they have something to do with the emails and said that they must be free riders.

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