India Cracks Down On Rape (Not Really)

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“It took the police 14 days to register the rape allegation and a further 30 days to make an arrest, by which time the victim had killed herself. The awful case of a 17-year-old kidnapped from her small village in India and raped by two men in a field during Diwali’s November celebrations emerged only after last year’s horrific gang rape of another student in Delhi on 16 December 2012 sparked international outrage.

The 23-year-old student was travelling home from the cinema with a friend when she was viciously attacked by six men on a bus. The woman died from her injuries 13 days later while undergoing em8ergency treatment in Singapore, in a case that sparked national and international protest. A year on, it seems fair to ask what difference horrific cases such as these have made to the treatment of women in India.”* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

*Read more here from Sunny Hundal / The Guardian:

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