Do Your Genes Determine Your Political Beliefs?

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments


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Are liberalism and conservatism learned behaviors, or do our genes determine our political leanings? In this segment our panel discusses whether nature or nurture is more important in directing how we will respond to social and political issues. Other topics include
– How people typically respond to information that conflicts with their worldview
– Whether liberals and conservatives have any chance of working together to solve pressing problems
– Whether science and reason can influence public policy when so many people are guided by emotion and not rationality

Host: Ana Kasparian

Avi Tuschman: Author – “Our Political Nature: The Evolutionary Origins of What Divides Us.”
Kelly Carlin: Host – The Kelly Carlin Show on SiriusXM
Lee Camp: Comedian, Host – Moment of Clarity web series

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