No Cake For Gays Says Bakery Owner

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson2 Comments


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“A Colorado judge says a baker who refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony must serve gay couples despite his religious beliefs.

Friday’s order from administrative law judge Robert N. Spencer says Masterpiece Cakeshop in suburban Denver will face fines if it continues to turn away gay couples who want to buy cakes for their wedding celebrations.

An attorney for Masterpiece Cakeshop did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Shop owner Jack Phillips had argued that making cakes for gay wedding ceremonies violates his Christian beliefs.”* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here from Ivan Moreno / The Huffington Post:

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  1. I’m with Cenk. I love this channel and all of you guys. But I don’t feel that the government is there to force morals on it’s citizens. The civil rights act probably makes his actions illegal. I am not religious. But as I feel that Jesus would not treat gay people that way, I also believe he wouldn’t force a man to give his business to a gay man. We don’t want fundamental Christians to force their religion on us. Therefore we should not force our beliefs on others as well. You can’t get a gay cake from a fundamental christian and eat it too? I don’t know.

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