The Young Turks Hour 1 11.20.13

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Cenk hosting today.  Updates and corrections from yesterday’s show.  Oprah Winfrey’s comments to the BBC about racism in America has lit Fox News on fire.  She said that old racists have to die in order for things to continue to get better, in addition to the fact that Obama has received a lot of criticism strictly because he’s Black.  Video compilation of FoxNews pundits losing their minds over this.  TYT Supreme Court on what percentage of Americans are blindly racist towards Obama without policy being a factor.  After President Obama recited the Gettysburg Address that didn’t include the phrase, “One Nation, Under God” Republicans lost their minds again, claiming that he doesn’t respect, or believe in God.

Elizabeth Warren spoke on the Sen floor about the lies associated with the push to cut Social Security.  Cenk backs up her argument further with poll numbers that indicate how clearly the American people believe in keeping Social Security.  Republican Congressman Trey Radel has been busted for soliciting cocaine from an undercover cop.  His sentence was 1 year of probation and a $250 fine…nothing more.  Cenk speculates on how hard the system would come down on a random Black American caught with 3.5 grams of cocaine after being busted by an undercover cop.  Radel also voted for welfare recipients to be drug tested and be clean before they could get their benefits.  Videos of Ted Cruz arguing back and forth with Chris Cuomo over his desire to scrap ObamaCare and replace it with nothing else.

Wild Card Wednesday.  There is actually a chance that we will be leaving Afghanistan despite the lies that have kept us there.  Albuquerque, NM rejected abortion laws that limit women’s rights.  On the other hand, the Supreme Court upheld Texas 20 week abortion ban.  Gruesome details on the stabbing of Democratic State Senator and his dead son.

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