November 14, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Rob Ford update. Says he eats plenty of pussy at home. Rafael Cruz is at it again. NC KKK group accidently sent out recruitment flyers in a predominantly African American neighborhood. Rush Limbaugh has new theories on birth control, millenials, and obamacare ads.

Malala Yousefzai is interviewed on CBS. She is truly fearless, telling the interviewer that she is unafraid of the Taliban. She says she wants to follow the path of Bhutto. She is unafraid of death. Typhoon Haiyan update. 11.5 million people are estimated to have been affected by the disaster.

JP Morgan Chase relationship with China is discussed, and how they benefit (in often unsavory ways) from the Chinese government.

Putin is voted the most powerful man in the world by Time Magazine. Boehner news on obamacare. Twitter Storm with Elle Kuan.

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