Hazed With Poetry? | High School Football Player Suspended

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson0 Comments


“16-year-old Nick Andre says his assignment last Friday in composition class at Rittman High School was to write a poem about something that makes him angry.

The junior defensive end on the Rittman football team chose to write a poem he entitled “Stupid,” about the Indians season so far, which has consisted of one win and seven losses. Andre told FOX 8, “I felt like it was my right to express what I just felt.”

As part of the assignment, Andre read the poem in class and when the administration at Rittman High learned about the content, the principal concluded that Andre, “Wrote a mean and disrespectful poem about another student and our athletic director/head coach.” The principal classified the poem as “hazing, harassment.””.* Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ben Mankiewicz and Eboni K Williams break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from Jack Shea / Fox 8:

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