Bioware is working on Mass Effect 4! But where will the story go? Mass Effect 3 lead writer Mac Walters suggested the new Mass Effect would likely have nothing to do with Commander Shepard in any way. This probably means no Garrus, Tali, Liara, Wrex, Joker, or any of the other supporting cast members either. Will it fly, or will it dissapoint fans of the original trilogy? What would you like to see in the Mass Effect universe? First contact? The Prothean era? A continuation in the future? Kim Horcher and Ross Lincoln (Games Journalist, discuss the possibilities.
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(*sigh*) Dammit, now I gotta go play some more ’cause you guys got me thinking about it. Man, I’ve probably gone through 3 about 6x now and 2 about 3-4x. I played 1 only once simply because I didn’t wanna go through all the prospecting stuff again. The whole planet scanning in 2 was good enough and 3, even better. I love Shep, but I think it’s like what Ross said in that they created this whole great Star Trek-like universe they could expand off of. I guess there could be one interesting A.S. (After Shepard) timeline where he/she destroys them and the struggle continues for humans and synthetics, but without the Reaper cycle. But, since everyone plays differently, there is virtually no guaranteed survivor characters from this cycle so it’s hard to base a new game on an established character. You could do a couple of known character prequels, like Liara and Wrex. Not sure how long Turians live so, POSSIBLY, Garrus. I wonder if they’ll ever show us how the Quarians look. I don’t see how they could do an A.S. story ’cause there were too many choices for people to take one specific path in a new game as correct ’cause it would negate all the other choices, so I understand why they wanna probably leave that alone.
There was also a 4th choice, by the way, in the extended ending and that was to “choose not to play,” in the sense that you could deny the choice all together and the Harvest continues and then you see way way off into the future, buried deep underground, Liara’s beacon/warning that she made talking about what happened and warning future civilizations so they could, hopefully, stop the cycle before it came to the Harvest again.
My whole point is that I’d welcome a new additional storyline to the universe because I love it so much. I got TOTALLY immersed in it and contemplated many times what it would be like to live in that world. Then again, it’s probably as scary and tedious (at times) from someone who’d grown up there as now is here yet would look wondrous to someone living 100 years ago. :-)