July 11, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Gitmo force feeding.  Senators Durbin and Feinstein are surprisingly making statements against this practice.  Many Gitmo detainees are innocent and slated for release, but the US still holds them.  Bradley Manning trial.  The prosecution evidence is very flimsy. Oliver Stone’s video on violations of civil liberties.  Jerrold Nadler and Wyden have spoken out against the national security state. Michelle Malkin says the Gitmo detainees are not suffering.


Rand Paul is associated with a guy who is a racist, The Southern Avenger. Pat Robertson now says he’s not against gays.  US treatment of Khalid Sheik Mohammed. The CIA allowed him to build a vacuum cleaner while in custody.


Student Loans.  Bi-partisan Senate deal on student loans says that at the beginning the loans will have lower rates, and that rates will be pegged to 10 year Treasury notes.  The Democrats and Republicans get together to screw students and help banks.  Is it possible that Republicans will kill immigration reform?  Cat Fight – Boehner vs. Reid.  McConnell vs. Reid.


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