June 5, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Cenk hosting today.  Bill O’Reilly grilled the college Republicans that conducted the study that showed how the youth vote feels about the GOP.  After they gave him the honest answers, he rejected them as immature and knowing nothing.  Megyn Kelly and Rep McDermott argued over his assertion that the IRS hearings were political theatre.


Tea Party leader Ken Emanuelson was recorded telling a Black audience member that the GOP doesn’t want Black people voting because they vote Democratic.  EW Jackson, candidate for Lt. Gov of Virginia, called yoga an activity that will lead people to hell.  He went over the top in proving to Republicans that he’s on their side by calling Planned Parenthood a bigger opponent to Black Americans than the KKK.  His campaign video had him hacking a watermelon with an axe.  A poll showed that only 1% of Americans rated Congress’ performance as excellent, and only 5% rated it good.  Another poll showed that 48% believe government should be bigger.  Another 48% also believe that government should be smaller.


Obama appointed Susan Rice to National Security Advisor, causing Republicans to lose their minds.  The “I Am Bradley Manning” campaign included many celebrities in their ad.

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