April 29, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Hour 1

Segment 1

Cenk hosting.  The White House Correspondent’s Dinner over the weekend.  Obama went after CNN and MSNBC.  Tom Brokaw compared the Dinner to Versailles.  A NYT reporter spoke to CSPAN about the self-congratulatory tone and chummy nature of the event between the press and politicians.  Ed Henry, also the head of the WH Correspondents Assoc, spoke out to defend the Dinner after Brokaw criticized.http://www.mediaite.com/online/the-narcissism-of-the-white-house-correspondents-dinner-hurting-the-medias-already-tarnished-brand/   Sarah Palin tweeted and commented on Facebook about how silly Washington elite are to take part in the Dinner.  She even called them Assclowns.  This comes just 2 years after she and her family went to the event. http://www.mediaite.com/online/sarah-palin-apparently-thinks-todd-palin-and-bristol-palin-are-assclowns/  News that the CIA has been shipping bags and bags of money to Afghanistan over the years, totalling 10s of millions of dollars, in hopes of controlling Karzai. http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2013/04/28/with-bags-of-cash-to-president-s-offices-c-i-a-seeks-influence-in-afghanistan.html


Segment 2

Videos of Rep Gohmert blaming the Obama Admin for trying to get the Boston bomber off the hook.  He also speculated that they have so many Muslim Brotherhood members in power that they’re trying to advance more terrorism.  Republicans that are normally so concerned about the deficit are now open to holding the government hostage in order to get tax cuts pushed through, which will add to the deficit.  After they played their game with an agreeable Obama, he’s the only one stuck calling for cuts to Social Security. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2013/04/house-republicans-eyeing-new-hostage-opportunity.html?mid=google


Segment 3

Chris Matthews interviewed Chris Christie’s opponent on his show, but asked if he could say she’s attractive before they started the interview.  She said no.  Once she was on, he interrupted her over and over. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/christies-democratic-opponent-chris-matthews-was-an-ass-when-he-interviewed-me/  Bill Maher was disgusted by the military tone Boston police took when searching for the Tsarnaev brothers.  Ron Paul wrote similar sentiments, claiming that the search was more frightening than the bombing in the first place. http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/ron-paul-government-response-scarier-than-boston-bombing

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