April 23, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Hour 1

Segment 1

Cenk hosting today.  Updates from the Boston bombings.  Tamerlan’s wife is now being looked at with suspicion. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/23/tamerlan-tsarnaev-mysterious-muslim-radical_n_3141919.html  After Rand Paul’s bold and principled stand against drones being used on Americans on U.S. soil, he declared to Neil Cavuto that he’s ok with drones being used on a liquor store robber roaming a neighborhood. http://www.inquisitr.com/632487/rand-paul-seems-okay-with-killing-americans-with-drones-now-video/  Bill O’Reilly went after Tom Brokaw for pointing out that our drone program creates terrorists that feel we have a presumptuous attitude.  Juan Williams co-signed with O’Reilly.  He also attacked the reporter that asked Jay Carney about our drone attacks on children should be considered terrorism.  Videos of Greg Gutfeld and Brian Kilmeade attacking any conscious thought about the bombers and what could have motivated them.


Segment 2

Bob Beckel claimed that since Muslim communities simply don’t like us, we should cut off Muslim students from coming to the country for a certain amount of time.  He was challenged by Megyn Kelly the next day on her show, and had nothing but bumbling things to say.  The man that was arrested for the ricin letters has been released.  More details from the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas show that workplace accidents deserve much more attention in order to save a lot of Americans’ lives. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/mike-elk-the-texas-fertilizer-plant-explosion-cannot-be-forgotten/2013/04/23/48eb770c-ac26-11e2-b6fd-ba6f5f26d70e_story_1.html  This particular plant hadn’t been visited by regulators since 1985, showing that it lacked many significant safeguards and regulations.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/22/west-fertilizer_n_3134202.html


Segment 3

Twitter Storm. TYT viewers ask Cenk questions they’ve always wanted answered.

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