April 18, 2013 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Hour 1

Segment 1

Cenk hosting.  Video and pictures of the suspected Boston bombers from Monday.  Speculation of whether or not they are light or darker skinned.  Reasons some are rooting for them to be White.  The NY Post cover wrongfully revealing two young men as the suspects.  Authorities are now looking to kick the two Saudi kids out of the country that they questioned.  More information on the fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas.  The coincidence of an explosion near Waco in the middle of April seemed too much like a planned bomb.


Segment 2

Oklahoma St Rep Dennis Johnson was making comments about small business when he mentioned someone trying to “Jew Me Down” on a price.  After the NRA helped eliminate the weak background check bill in the Senate yesterday, anger among Americans continues to build.  Video of Joe Scarborough predicting that this will be a turning point in the GOP, leading to the extinction of the Party.  Adolphus Bush IV of the beer company has left the NRA in disgust after this move.  Sen Baucus claimed that his reason for voting against it was “Montana.”  Harry Reid’s past of relentless promises to change the filibuster rules due to the GOP’s practice of blocking 100% of the things Democrats propose, meant nothing as the gun control bill got filibustered just like everything else does.  Sen McConnell’s office highlighted and congratulated a meme that was created by a supporter and posted to their website, which bragged about the defeat on gun control.  Radio show hosts in MN ranted about the victim’s families of Newtown, telling them to go to hell.


Segment 3

At the WH Press Briefing, Jay Carney was asked if they consider the killing of 11 children in Afghanistan by the United States a form a terrorism.


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