TYT 04.15.13 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by AmaliMae0 Comments

Hour 1

Segment 1

Cenk hosting.  Bombing at the Boston marathon finish line has killed 2 people, including an 8 year old boy.  Cenk explains why this could be either a Muslim terrorist attack or a Right Wing terrorist attack and how we may respond to either one.  Hunger strike at Gitmo.  Video of Jay Carney pointing out that the Obama Admin has been trying to change the Gitmo situation, but Republicans in Congress have stopped them.  In showing our desperation in keeping the prisoners there, we’ve resorted to illegally bugging the private rooms they have meetings with attorneys in to find out something.


Segment 2

Latest supposed progress on gun control legislation has the National Association for Gun Rights running ads against Republicans like Susan Collins moving towards empty legislation.  Collins confronted Rand Paul for supporting this group.  Marco Rubio assures Fox News Sunday that his immigration plan isn’t amnesty, but actually much worse than what we already have.  The story of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell’s horrific practices.


Segment 3

The latest on the attempt to desegregate the prom at a high school in Georgia.  When asked about it, the governor of the state called the people trying to end this a Leftist Front Group trying to pull a silly publicity stunt.  Howard Dean is so upset over Obama’s budget proposal to eliminate all of the cuts to the Pentagon, he is threatening to become an Independent.

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