TYT – 04.09.13 Hour 1

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Hour 1

Segment 1

Cenk hosting today.  A mass stabbing in Texas resulted in 14 wounded people.  Cenk pointed out that no one died, compared to the people that die in mass shootings.  In 2 other stories, 4 year old kids accidentally killed family members when a gun was left to be grabbed. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/josephine-fanning-dead-shooting_n_3042312.html  Gun control legislation is still losing steam with lawmakers despite the momentum from the American people. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/gun-control-reform_n_3046182.html  Video of Obama advocating new gun laws across the country.  Video of Joe Biden bashing the GOP’s idea to filibuster gun legislation.  CBS couldn’t even get any of the threatening Republicans on camera to talk about their decision.  Others are now opposing the idea of filibustering.  Sen Manchin and a Republican senator are working on gutting the legislation of anything useful.  Videos of Sen Harry Reid arguing for gun control, citing his father’s suicide.  He previously told “This Week” that he understands guns and cited his father’s suicide.  Fox News shamed the rest of the media into covering the story of their reporter releasing a story about the Colorado shooter’s psychiatric background, and getting threatened with a crime for doing so.  http://www.mediaite.com/online/did-fox-news-successfully-shame-the-media-into-covering-jana-winters-first-amendment-fight/


Segment 2

Secretly taped audio of Sen McConnell’s campaign planning session about what to do to take Ashley Judd out of the race was released by Mother Jones.  Cenk thinks these dirty tactics are fair game if she had run.  When asked about their dirty tactics, McConnell kept bringing up how his wife was attacked for being Chinese along with the fact that his office was bugged.  State Rep Mike Reynolds of Oklahoma spoke out about how its not their job to make sure anyone gets an education.  Business groups in Oklahoma pointed out that for every dollar they put to education, the state gets over $4 back. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/08/mike-reynolds-education_n_3038157.html  Agenda 21 from the United Nations is being fear mongered through Missouri, now.  Since it was not ratified by the USA after it was done by the UN in 1992, this fake fear has no possibility of being implemented anywhere.  They passed the resolution against it, 110-40, meaning absolutely nothing. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/08/agenda-21-vote-missouri_n_3040436.html  Kansas State Rep Hedke also wet his pants over Agenda 21 in 2011, and now wants to update his stance by outlawing any creation of sustainable development.  They also declared that bike paths are radical and destructive to the American way of life. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/kansas-sustainable-development_n_3045118.html


Segment 3

Webby Award nomination, calling for TYT Army to vote!  Sen Roy Blunt is the representative of Monsanto, and the source of the Monsanto Protection Act. http://www.motherjones.com/tom-philpott/2013/04/sen-roy-blunt-monsantos-man-washington  An anti-piracy source discovered that one user within the Vatican is a rabid porn user. http://www.mediaite.com/online/someone-inside-the-vatican-really-likes-illegally-downloading-porn-movies/  HuffPost article about how our GDP per capita is 8 times higher than it was in 1900.  This shows that the country isn’t broke the way politicians are leading us to believe.  The money didn’t go back to the people, but to corporations. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-creamer/the-biggest-republican-li_b_3043643.html  Cenk gives his two cents on Margaret Thatcher and her rabid support of the apartheid regime.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/08/margaret-thatcher-south-africa-_n_3039649.html


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