TYT 04.02.13 Hour 1

In Uncategorized by Elderrune0 Comments

Hour 1

Segment 1

Cenk hosting today.  The Aryan Brotherhood is on the rise, and are getting attention for murdering Texas DAs and prison chiefs.  A prosecutor just quit an Aryan Brotherhood case due to his security concerns.  The de-segregation of prisoners led to more racial gangs.  After the DOHS decided to look into White racial gangs and Conservative talkers lost their minds over it, they backed down and didn’t do anything about it.  Now, this is happening. http://www.mediaite.com/online/former-prisoner-in-the-daily-beast-for-profit-prisons-churning-out-waves-of-violent-white-supremacists/   Rep Gohmert joined a radical Conservative on a conference call on gun control and somehow connected limiting magazine clips to gay marriage and bestiality.  Gohmert also declared that freedom of religion for Christians is being taken over; that churches will have to hire cross-dressing Satanists.  PPP poll discovered the number of insane things that Americans believe like Global Warming being a hoax, Saddam Hussein being involved in 9/11, a New World Order controlling us, & that Obama is the anti-Christ.  http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2013/04/conspiracy-theory-poll-results-.html


Segment 2

Fox & Friends interviewed a woman that claims she experienced Heaven.  A student at Towson Univ formed a White Student Union to fight back against all of the campus crime committed by Black people.  CNN’s news report and interview exposed his insanity.  Republican legislators are fighting a provision that would keep guns out of the hands of people convicted of domestic violence.  Cenk gives the obvious numbers behind killings using guns in domestic violence cases.  http://www.denverpost.com/breakingnews/ci_22764810/colorado-guns-bill-ban-guns-domestic-abusers-passes


Segment 3

Rep Matt Salmon’s son put out a “It Gets Better” video 2 years ago for gay people trying to deal.  He spoke about how hard it was to express his feelings to his parents and how he prayed to God and discovered it was OK to be gay.


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