TYT – 03.25.13 Hour1

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Cenk recounts his experience at Del Taco, comedy ensues, but a moral lesson is taught about being a celebrity. David Cay Johnston study on unfair tax rates and income inequality. Low expectations of Democrats on Gun Control; background checks in serious jeopardy. Democrats pussyfooting on making actual progress in gun control legislation, ignoring the wishes of the vast majority of Americans. Videos of gun control ads. Greg Sargent of Washington Post on how Obama is not living up to his campaign promises, again

DOMA and Prop 8 news. Vote will likely go down to Chief Justices Kennedy and Roberts. Majority of Americans favor gay marriage, yet the Republicans find themselves once again on the wrong side of history. Meet the Press on gay marriage, with Ralph Reed defending the homophobes. Fox News with Gary Bauer arguing that we should just let the American voters decide if Gays deserve rights; he believes the polls are skewed. Steve Crowder getting punched in Michigan, unedited footage found on TYT (nice!) to be used in court case, showing the union “thug” was acting in self defense. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) slandered by The Daily Caller, said to be philandering with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic. The Daily Caller denies the allegations, but the excuses are shoddy. Foster Friess needs to check himself due to this scandal.

Cyprus banking crisis. Government seems to be trying to protect Russian oligarchs over the people. Graphics comparing Cyprus to US, World; banking in Cyprus 8x the size of the country’s economy.

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