TYT – 03.15.13 Hour 1

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Friday, March 15, 2013
Hour 1
Segment 1
Cenk, Ben, and John Iadarola hosting.  Sen Rob Portman has changed his mind on gay marriage now that his son has come out of the closet.  Despite Portman’s conversion, Cenk still rails on the fact that it took the issue to be personal for him to come around.  Republicans don’t have an empathy gene.  Conservative radio show host Bryan Fischer came out strongly in opposition on Twitter.  Video of the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre speaking at CPAC, claiming that the only reason to create a registry of gun owners is to tax them and take them.

Segment 2
Austin Cunningham wrote a Country song praising Fox News for their selection in female anchors.  Rush Limbaugh thoughts on totalitarian governments. He says national healthcare is what lies in common with all totalitarian governments.  Share holders of banks are being prevented from voting on executive compensation and other matters, even though the shareholders are the owners of the companies.

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