LIVE from TYT on Current TV: Romney Bain pains, SNAP cuts, and Best Week Ever

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Obama campaign’s devastating, simple strategy to attack Romney: ‘Corporate criminal’
Cenk talks to BuzzFeed correspondent Michael Hastings about the growing attacks on Mitt Romney’s business record — and Romney’s scramble to change the messaging. Hastings says the Obama campaign has been laying the groundwork for Romney’s contradictory statements about his work with Bain for months. “They finally hit on the narrative they want to paint Romney with,” Hastings says. “The narrative [from the campaign] is, Romney is sort of a corporate criminal. I mean, they called him a felon. That resonates with the financial crisis… That’s a very simple explanation for what are often very complex financial stories that no one cares about. You say the guy is a felon and liar — that’s pretty simple.”

Cenk on cutting families’ food stamps: the government shouldn’t pay for them, ‘Wal-mart should pay for them’
Ana Kasparian, TYT producer Lucas Liliholm, and Cenk debate whether there’s any benefit to cutting $16 billion dollars from the government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over the next 10 years. Though cutting food stamps wouldn’t be Cenk’s first plan of action, he also says, “The more you give an incentive, the more you’ll get some people who are hooked on that incentive.” Kasparian says, “I think it’s ridiculous to say that $1.50 per meal is an incentive to remain poor.” Lilieholm suggests that anger should really be directed at corporate business. “We have a corporate welfare state where corporations are allowed to pay people non-livable wages,” he says. “And the government has to come in and pick up the pieces to keep these families whole.”

If you missed ‘TYT’ this week, you missed live coverage of #NAACP booing, a special Bachmann moment & more
If you’re not watching “The Young Turks” on Current TV, this week you missed a very special Michele Bachmann moment, Michael Shure live from the NAACP convention where Mitt Romney got booed and much more. Be sure to watch every weeknight at 7et/4pt and go to to find Current.


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