Cenk Uygur, Ben Mankiewicz, Malcolm Fleschner host. A word is invented. “Lope” means that you lie about the amount of money you make. Discussing Comey and Dennis Prager. Being recognized for being on TYT in public. Ben was called Jimmy Dore. Cenk was mistaken for Deepok Chopra. Discussion of LeBron’s strategies off the court to play well. How lefty sports …
TYT Old School April 12, 2018
Cenk and Mark discuss the Twitterverse, Donald Trump’s warning to Russia and parallels between the justifications for war in Iraq and Syria. Cable news personalities’ rationale for sending troops to Syria. The chances for a conflict escalation with North Korea. Cenk talks about his place on the political spectrum and his feelings towards empathizing with Republican voters. Statistics for following …
TYT Old School April 5, 2018
Cenk and Malcolm discuss Cenk’s desire to report all of the news. A conversation on MLK, raising the question, “What if he had lived?” Conspiracy theories on MLK, JFK, and RFK, The discussion continues with topics of the evils of the CIA, facts on The YouTube shooter, and Keith Olbermann. Cenk and Malcolm rank the top Michael Jackson songs of …
TYT Old School March 29, 2018
Ben Mankiewicz, Chris Houck and Mark Thompson talk Baseball, Ben’s dad, Gun violence and PB&J on this weeks Old School.
TYT Old School March 15, 2018
Just Cenk & Ben for a classic Old School.
TYT Old School March 22, 2018
Ben Mankiewicz, Malcolm Fleschner and Mark Thompson for this weeks Old School.
TYT Old School March 1, 2018
Just Cenk & Ben for a classic Old School.