Cenk retells the story of a male porn star, Dave Pounder, that pulled a “Pounder” move on a woman he was hooking up with. He also talks about where he got “Tricky Harry Przyzycki” and how he’s taken that rhyme and used it his entire life. Update on Harry; his latest success and how its similar to the work Cenk …
April 15, 2013 Post Game
Cenk finds out more about today’s guest host Catie Lazarus – how she went from studying for her PhD to stand-up comedy.
April 11, 2013 Post Game
Transparent brains. Ana questions the value of what she does.
April 10, 2013 Post Game
Ana and Dave Rubin talk about the value of vacationing.
April 9, 2013 Post Game
Cenk talks about how his sick day yesterday turned disastrous because he missed the NCAA national championship game.
April 8, 2013 Post Game
A doctor claims that doing CPR is not the best method of resuscitating someone.
April 5, 2013 Post Game
Lucas and Malcolm have a pre-game post game discussion on soccer and why Americans are haters of the sport.