Ana’s lack of patience working against her on her way to a panel discussion. The event was 6 miles from her apt, and even though she gave herself 45 minutes to get there, it took her over an hour simply to move .3 miles. In her haste, she caused gridlock in an intersection, leading to her bumping the car in …
May 13, 2013 Post Game
Ana’s new skill at haggling over prices at a flea market.
May 10, 2013 Post Game
A recap of the TYT Billion Views celebration from three TYT staff members. Facebook Album of party pictures.
May 7, 2013 Post Game
Putting a hold on a billion dollar deal to have a Game of Thrones party.
May 6, 2013 Post Game
Cenk talks about 3-par golf. Most of the crew don’t know what that is. Cenk discovers that the “Cenk Hammer” doesn’t always work; he’s horrible at golf. Gina admits that she goes shooting all the time and owns a gun. She explains why she bought it.
May 2, 2013 Post Game
What profession did Cenk want to be in 8th grade? Gina tells her orgy stories. Cenk and Gina talk about aspirations, high and low.
May 1, 2013 Post Game
Cute Prometheus stories, and how Cenk would protect his family. One story that woke Cenk up to police lies, racism and corruption. Would Michael Shure leave town for a good job if it takes him away from his son.