Kim Horcher talks Bodega replacing mom & pop shops, SpaceX releasing compilation of explosions, sexual positions and safe sex, and how a comedian would take over Nazi groups.
Nerd Alert: Sept 21, 2017
Kim Horcher and Bonnie Gordon talk reveal of fourth Power Puff girl, cut It scene, Verizon number loss, and Iphone’s facial recognition.
Nerd Alert: Sept 15, 2017
Kim Horcher talks Cassini’s final mission, new GOT animation, swarm intelligence predicting the outcome of GOT, and who is starring as Boba Fett.
Nerd Alert: Sept 12, 2017
Zander Jeanneret and Michelle Nguyen talk director shift for Star Wars episode 9, Iphone announces new phones, new genetic analysis of Viking, controversial “It” scene, Tesla’s power, PewDiePie’s controversy, and wild African dogs voting by sneezing.
Nerd Alert: Sept 6, 2017
Kim Horcher and Brett Erlich talk Star Wars’ new addition, “BB-9E,” new NASA administrator being a well-known climate change denier, Stranger Things creators going after new motion enhancement default on televisions, KFC’s “smile to pay,” “lest trustworthy” atheists, whether or not you can learn in your sleep, and mixed reviews on Steam.
Nerd Alert: Sept 1, 2017
Kim Horcher talks Force Fridays, Game of Thrones theories, rubber band innovations and more annoying things that Martin Shkreli is doing.
Nerd Alert: Aug 29, 2017
Kim Horcher and Tim Frisch talk the Game of Thrones finale, emergency alerts, Hollywood whitewashing, Wonder Woman’s sidekicks, Kermit the Frog drama, Half-Life 3, shady apps and turning urine into plastic.