Cenk. Robert Mueller impanels grand jury on Russia investigation. Trump going on three week vacation. Poll numbers for Trump way down. Mexico won’t pay for the wall and Trump is peeved. Trump considering firing US commander for Afghanistan. Mic article says Kamala Harris has “Bernieland” problem. Fox News employees angry over Seth Rich story. McMaster fires conspiracy theorist on NSC.
TYT Hour 1 Aug 02, 2017
Cenk and Ana. Trump to make legal immigration more difficult. WH aide Stephen Miller has meltdown. Trump signs Russia sanctions bill. Tillerson turns down $80 million to counter ISIS/Russia propaganda. Trump falsely claims to receive calls from Mexican president and Boy Scouts leadership. Eric Trump’s wife hosts propaganda news show.
TYT Hour 1 Aug 01, 2017
Cenk. Jeff Flake writes book dissing Trump. Conway says that “Mr. Trump” isn’t her peer. Fox & Friends question fired Corey Lewandowski on Trump’s loyalty. Graham options war with North Korea. Trump dictated Trump Jr. on Russia meeting. WH knowingly helped perpetuate Seth Rich rumor. Dems say they are willing to work on tax reform with GOP.
TYT Hour 1 July 31, 2017
Cenk. Scaramucci out. Mainstream media fawns over new Chief of Staff John Kelly. Majority of cabinet members attend bible study. North Korea to conduct nuclear test. Bernie Sanders proposes price rule on taxpayer-funded drugs. Adam Carolla talks to congress about campus free speech.
TYT Hour 1 July 28, 2017
Cenk, Brett and Francesca Fiorentini. Trump fires Priebus and names John Kelly new Chief of Staff. Senate votes down skinny repeal. Moscow retaliates after Trump is sent sanctions bill. Trump officials teaming up with Koch org for tax reform event.
TYT Hour 1 July 27, 2017
Cenk. Special guest former VP Al Gore. Jerry Brown extends CA cap and trade. Graham threatens Trump over Mueller. Trump to veto Russia sanctions for tougher bill. Scaramucci blames Priebus for leaks but then takes it back. KS Gov. Sam Brownback nominated as International Religious Freedom ambassador.
TYT Hour 1 July 26, 2017
Cenk and Ana. Trump tweets transgender military ban. Republicans push back against Trump. GOP fails to pass HC replacement. Trump goes after AK Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Trump hounds Sessions on replacing McCabe. Scaramucci threatens to fire “everyone” in light of WH leaks.