Cenk. Trump visits Puerto Rico. Paul Ryan focuses on mental health over gun control. States rolling back gun legislation. Trump tosses paper towels to PR victims. No one running for democratic incumbents.
TYT Hour 1 October 2, 2017
Cenk & Ana. Las Vegas shooting details. Las Vegas shooter profile. GOP/Dem response to shooting. Trump to Tillerson on North Korea.
TYT Hour 1 Sept 29, 2017
Cenk, Ana, & Ben Mankiewicz. Tom Price resigns. Trump pitching tax cuts to manufacturers. North Dakota Gov accepting $15M from pipeline. China orders NK companies in China to shut down. Trump loosening Obama restrictions on global arms sales. Megyn Kelly’s disaster show.
TYT Hour 1 Sept 28, 2017
Ana, Jayar Jackson, & Nomiki Konst. Tom Price update. Jones Act lifted for PR. Gary Cohn: Rich not getting tax cuts under plan. Congress about to let healthcare program for 9M kids expire. Rep. Steve Scalise back.
TYT Hour 1 Sept 27, 2017
Ana, Ben Mankiewicz, & Michael Shure. Alabama race results. Who is Roy Moore? GOP tax plan announcement. Executive order allowing people to purchase health insurance across state lines. Tom Price private jet travel details.
TYT Hour 1 Sept 26, 2017
Cenk. Hannity vapes during breaks. Healthcare vote. HuffPost: NFL has always been political. Roy Moore brings out handgun at rally. Steve Schmidt calls Trump racist. Scarborough goes off on Trump for attacking dying McCain. Trump quads down after Dallas game. Trump goes after Puerto Rico. WolfPac wedding.
TYT Hour 1 Sept 25, 2017
Cenk. McCain goes after Trump. Kushner’s private emails. Anthony Weiner sentenced. Trump rally starts NFL drama. Steelers protest anthem. Government pays NFL to be patriotic. Trump disses Stephen Curry. Trump and NASCAR.