Cenk & John. Limbaugh’s Iraq War-Deep State conspiracy. Tony Perkins: Trump gets a Muligan from Evangelicals for Stormy Daniels. Patrick Meehan sexual harassment case. How Comcast spending its tax windfall. Trump’s solar tariffs clouding the industry’s future. Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules state congressional map unconstitutional.
TYT Hour 1 January 23, 2018
Cenk. Kentucky school shooting. Guy threatened to kill CNN employees. Text indicates FBI agent Strzok doubted there was Trump collusion. FBI director threatened to resign amid Trump, Sessions pressure. Trump goes after Schumer for withdrawing on wall. GOPer: new spending bill allows intelligence agencies to NOT check w/ Congress.
TYT Hour 1 January 22, 2018
Cenk. Trump campaign using shutdown to accuse Dems of murder. #SchumerShutdown hashtag getting a boost from bots. Trump drug Czar let go from job after he didn’t show up. Paul Ryan collected $500k in Koch contributions days after House passed tax bill. Don Imus to end radio show.
TYT Hour 1 January 19, 2018
Cenk, John, & Abby Martin. Trump cutting Puerto Rico funding. Trump wants 95% cut on drug policy. Shutdown: what’s happening. Pentagon drops climate from national defense strategy.
TYT Hour 1 January 18, 2018
Cenk. Trump lawyer: Trump excited to talk to Mueller. John Kelly on Trump’s view on wall. Trump: CHIP should be a long-term solution. Trump going to Penn to boost voting in special election. Murders by white supremacists have more than doubled in 2017. Mulvaney requests no quarterly funding. Pastor Kenneth Copeland got people to buy him a jet.
TYT Hour 1 January 17, 2018
Cenk & John. Scott Walker goes off on Twitter. Bannon testimony. Fed immigrant sweep in Bay Area. How different parts of US define fake news. Trump voter thanks president for Walmart bonus. Fox News had Stormy Daniels story before election but held it.
TYT Hour 1 January 16, 2018
Cenk presents. People who will be talking to the House Intel Commission. Mueller subpoena’s Bannon. Trump’s doctor says he could live to 200. Joe Scarborough attacks Democrats that capitulate to Trump. Continued “shithole” drama. Lots of foggy recollections. Trump’s Homeland Security Chief isn’t sure if Norway is predominantly white. Jim Acosta asks Trump what kinds of immigrants he does want …