Cenk. Trump’s notes from listening session. Student asks Rubio not to take NRA money. CAP: Medicare extra for all plan. Poll: Brent Welder candidate running ahead of opposition in Kansas race. Dems want gun control but it would cost them midterms.
TYT Hour 1 February 21, 2018
Cenk & John. Democrat Linda Belcher wins Kentucky House seat. Trump speaks to students, families of school shootings. Pat Robertson calling for stricter gun control laws. HHS working to expand short term health care plan that doesn’t comply with the ACA. GOP bill: revoke citizenship of immigrants who dont exhibit moral character.
TYT Hour 1 February 20, 2018
Cenk. Trump moves to ban bump stocks. Shooting a “reprieve” for WH. Rep Jack Kingston: shooting victims used for anti-gun protests by Soros. Donald Jr. retweets Parkland shooting conspiracies. More Americans blame mass shootings on mental health than gun laws. NRA rallying members after seeing spray-painted “Kill the NRA” message. Mueller charges lawyer Alex van der Zwaan, oligarch’s son-in-law. How …
TYT Hour 1 February 19, 2018
Cenk. Hannity and Trump blaming Obama for not doing anything about the Russians. NRA foundation provided funding to train the shooter. Student rallies/protests/townhalls related to Florida shooting. Republican donor won’t donate more money until something is done about assault weapons. Focus group results: Republicans have bad agenda, Dems have no agenda.
TYT Hour 1 February 16, 2018
Cenk, John, & Richard Fowler. Indictment against Russian nationals. WH statement on bipartisan DACA deal. FBI failed to follow protocol on Florida shooter. Fox host blames video games for mass shootings.
TYT Hour 1 February 15, 2018
Cenk. US shootings vs international shootings. FL school shooter is a white nationalist. Gateway Pundit’s fake news Buzzfeed article. Trump budget cuts millions from gun background checks. Ex-GOPer: vote republicans out if you want gun control. GOPers introduced bills that would loosen gun restrictions after Vegas. Trump killing bipartisan immigration bill.
TYT Hour 1 February 14, 2018
Cenk & John. Florida school shooting. Cory Booker now says he won’t take PAC money. FL state legislative race where Trump beat Hillary, goes to Dem. Analysis: Seas are rising; Mercury hidden beneath earth’s permafrost.